Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I was always there for you
To help you dry your tears.
I was your lean-to
And got rid of all your fears.

You were my best friend.
You were my rock.
I hated your stupid boyfriend
That used you like a dirty sock.

I tried to warn you,
But you would not listen.
What you did is something you can’t undo,
And, for that, I know you will always miss him.

“Let’s do something tonight,” I would say.
“I can’t, I’m busy,” she would always reply.
In sorrow I would state, “Maybe next Sunday,”
And let out a sigh.

My patience grew thin
As I saw less of her.
Competing with him, I could never win.
To her, he was always better.

All those years meant nothing,
And all those hours spent
Resulted in loathing
And my discontent.

You’re so naïve
And just a child.
He was destined to deceive
And leave you defiled.

I tried to pick up the pieces
And put them back together.
The pieces would not fit,
And now I’ve lost you forever.

He is to blame.
You can’t deny.
I’ve been dying inside
Ever since he came.

He must die.
He cannot live.
I will not let him tell you another lie
And let you be submissive.

I got my knife
And went to his room.
I took his life.
“They killed himself,” they would presume.

Nobody would ever know,
That was the way it had to be.
I never had to hide my shadow
Because I would always be free.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Untimely Death

The rain was crashing against her window
While she was snuggled in her bed.
She looked to her beau
And kissed his weary head.

He looked so serene
With his eyes closed.
They’d been together since she was seventeen
And two years later he proposed.

She loved him with all her heart
And would ‘til the day she died.
They had never been apart
And it was on him that she relied.

“I love you,” she whispered in his ear
And cupped his hand in hers.
He did not seem to hear,
So she continued to discern his features.

She touched his cheek
And she touched his lips.
He felt so sleek
Under her tight grip.

So peaceful he was
With his head on his pillow.
She loved him so much
That she wept like a weeping willow.

The sun started to rise
And the rooster to crow
She let out some sighs
And wondered what the day would bestow.

She went downstairs for some breakfast
And a hot cup of coffee.
She took a sip
That sent chills through her body.

She could feel something was not right.
It went straight through her bones.
What she found was a frightful sight;
Her lover lay still with unknowns.

The tears came to her eyes
And stung them with pain.
She gave him her goodbyes,
As she would never see him again.

She wept on the floor
And pounded the ground.
She ran out the door
And was never to be found.

His body was discovered with lipstick on his cheek
Of the girl that he truly did love.
The love that they had was truly unique
In that it sent them free like a dove.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Dobbs

Long ago, when the state of Montana did not exist, there was a young man named Edward Dobbs. He roamed the grassy plains in search of a new home. In the plains that he roamed, he found countless numbers of pestilent rodents that got in the way of his building site. In order to remove them off the property, he started a grand fire that swept clear across the modern state of Montana. This eloquent fire killed a vast majority of the rodents. After this, Edward Dobbs was highly esteemed. People came from all across the nation to settle in the empty plains. The population multiplied, and Edward Dobbs’ success is still celebrated today on March, 18. On this day, people often gather and build small campfires to symbolize the great fire and roast rodents on a stick. It is tradition to wear red and orange on this day.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


There once was a dog named Jack.
He loved to be scratched on the back.
Then, one day,
He ran away.
They couldn’t even find his tracks.

The small man that wore green
Was awful shiny and sheen.
He laughed a lot,
More often than not.
But he preferred not to be seen.

A certain boy named Mark
Wanted to live with the sharks.
He grew a gill
And swam until
The sun went down and became dark.