Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Race

Once there was an old, rich man who had two sons. His oldest son, Joseph, was obsessed with money. He would like cheat, and steal to get what he wanted. The old man’s other son, Jachob, had many friends and was well liked by the community.
One day, the old man realized he was getting too old and didn’t have much time left, so he organized a race for his two sons. The first one that would cross the finish line would inherit all his money and land. Joseph was very excited by this. He could just see himself winning the race and rolling in the money. The people in the crowd would surround him and congratulate him. On the other hand, Jachob was not concerned about the race at all. He already had all he could ever want: great friends and family.
It was the day of the race and both boys were on the starting line. As soon as the buzzer went off, Joseph pushed his younger brother to the ground and ran ahead. Jachob slowly got back up, but, by this time, Joseph had already won the race. Joseph was throwing his arms in the air with glory, but nobody was there to congratulate him. Everybody was gathered around Jachob helping to brush off the dirt.
In the end, Joseph was very lonely and not even his money could help him. Jachob had no money, but he had friends that were willing to help.

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